Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Did you say road trip?

It's been four days since we graduated from college, and we are getting antsy. We keep on hearing reports about the real world: apartments, rent, jobs, alimony... and we don't like it. Settling down is for people without cars, and jobs are for people without unemployment, as we always say, so we are out to keep our joblessness close at hand and to keep our hands tight on the steering wheel. Therefore, on our fifth day out of college, we are going to hit the road.

Over the next 30 days, we're going to drive from Bennington, VT, to Monterey, CA, cruising along the interstate in our Swedish tank, the as-yet-unnamed Volvo station wagon that one of our families has let us commandeer. Our route will take us through the south, straight through Mississippi and Louisiana, then across Texas and the hot southwest before we curl up into southern California on our way to Monterey. After cooling our jets there for a few days, we'll head back to Bennington, but for the return trip we'll travel through the north, across Montana and the Badlands before crossing through Chicago and upstate New York. By the end of June, if all goes well, we will have circled the continental United States in our Swedish tank, ending back up where we started in fair Bennington, in the shadow of the Bennington Monument. And then we'll probably all take a nap.

That's basically the plan, or as much of one as we have. We'll post again real soon with more info on our route, who we are, our eHarmony account information, and other important things we want the world to know. We'll post every few days, when we can snag internet from generous people / businesses. Please do send us notes, or give us a call if you'll be along our route! We'd love to say hello! To see your smiling face would absolutely make our day!

Thanks to this here blog, if you do ever want to check in on our whereabouts, you'll know where to find us. But if you are ever unsure of our location, or if you worry about our safety, just remember that we're all successful college graduates now and we're about to enter the real world. We're about as legit as we've ever been. Which is why, despite our degrees and 22 years of excellent parenting, for the next 30 days, we are going to play in the road.