Saturday, June 30, 2012

List of States

Hey Folks!  This is a complete list of the states that we hit on the road trip, in the order that we drove through them.  There are 31 states total and 2 countries.  A huge thank you to everybody that helped make this happen: The Captain's parents for trusting 4 recent college grads with their car, Ocho's family for being dispersed across the entire west coast, everyone that gave us a place to stay or helped us find one, national park rangers, everyone that suggested somewhere to go or something to do, and all of our friends that we met up with along the way.   It has been an amazing adventure.  We couldn't have asked for a better way to celebrate graduation. 

1. Massachusetts
2. New Hampshire
3. Vermont
4. New York
5. New Jersey
6. Pennsylvania
7. Maryland
8. West Virginia
9. Virginia
10. Tennessee
11. North Carolina
12. Georgia
13. Alabama

14. Mississippi
15. Louisiana
16. Texas
17. New Mexico
18. Arizona
19. California
20. Oregon
21. Washington
22. Idaho
23. Montana
25. South Dakota
26. Minnesota
27. Wisconsin
28. Illinois
29. Indiana
30. Michigan
31. Ohio
32. Our little brother to the north, Canada

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