Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 14: Back Down the Coast For a Bit

The last few days in California have been pretty damn stressful, let me tell you. Bombarded by generous hospitality, sunny days, and ocean breezes, we have had nothing to do but sit around and worry about everything, which has left us clean tuckered out. Thank goodness we were able to escape the grind today with a mini-road trip: a quick jaunt down the Cali One to Big Sur, where every one and every thing--we concluded--has very recently ingested an industrial-strength tranquilizer.

After a late night by the fire, even we four amigos were slow to rise this morning.  After forcing several gallons of coffee into their systems, they were prepared to once again start a wonderful day in California.  The agenda for the day was to head back down the coast through areas of Big Sur which they had driven through far too quickly on the way up.  Ocho once again played host/chauffeur, making sure to find all the scenic lookouts on the way down.

(This picture shows where mermaids are born.)

We were treated to lunch at Nepenthe by the Magician.  The only thing rivaling the incredible food was the view.  After sampling a variety from each other's orders, we agreed that you could not go wrong with a choice off the menu.  Stomach's full, our next stop was to look around the Henry Miller library for a bit before stopping of at Phieffer Beach.  We sat on the beach, enjoying the peaceful sounds and sights of the ocean for over an hour.  The stay was marred only by the possible loss of one phone, which was lovingly embraced by a large wave.  

Our Big Sur trip was topped off with a visit to the Big Sur River Inn where we relaxed, feet in the river, bums in sturdy Adirondack chairs, and hands on some reading materials.  The only thing that could tear us away from this tranquility was the news of a surf and turf dinner awaiting us at Casa Kennifer.  Enjoying a feast fit for a king (or Princess?), we were soon filled to the brim with food and contentedness.  

(This picture shows three intellectual types reading intellectual things and peeing in a stream while seated.)

We were then told we had to experience a Kennifer family childhood classic known as the Chipmunk Adventures.  This was followed by a slightly more age-appropriate viewing of The Endless Summer.  Deliriously happy sleep soon overcame us before we could even manage our end of the night photo. We're a lot more relaxed now, don't worry. We hope this feeling lasts as we get back to the grind on our road trip. It's a hard life we lead, we know.

1 comment:

  1. You guys watched Chick-munks?????? That's worth a trip to Monterey in and of itself. I tried to get Devan to sing "Hey Don'tcha Know That We're Off To See The World (in Hot Air Balloons)" before you pushed off from Vermont but she was probably too embarrassed or something? Psh.
